Everything about the Haegeum gold kiwi is known.

Keep And Enjoy

Haegeum Gold Kiwi Fruit is first harvested and later eaten after ripening.
Hard gold kiwi fruit is left in the room temperature of 10 to 25 degrees for about 20 days. Then it is ripened. You can enjoy the true taste when eating while it is soft by touching it first.

After-ripening: Physical change until harvested fruits turn into the state that is right for eating harvested fruits (Naver Dictionary)
  • When fruits are soft, please keep them in a cool place. If they are put on a warm place, they get soft too fast.
  • If fruits are hard, please keep them in a cool place by putting them in a plastic bag. The, they get soft slowly (It takes about 3 weeks). If they are kept in a warm place, they get soft faster (It takes 10 to 14 days).
  • If hard fruits are kept in a warm place with apples and bananas, they get soft rapidly in 3 to 4 days.
  • If hard fruits are kept in a cool place with apples and bananas, they get soft in 10 to 14 days.
  • Fruits get soft faster depending to them. Please select and eat softer fruits when touching them.
  • Long-term storage

    Long-term storage: Puts hard fruits without bruises in a plastic bag keep them in a Kimchi fridge of 0 to 3 °C (Hard fruits are kept for a month.)
    Keep them in a general refrigerator or cool place.

  • Keep them after ripening

    Keep them in a refrigerator (You must eat them within 1 to 2 days.)
    Used in Juice, Yogurt, Jam, marinating meat.